
TrueRife Machine Review: Features, Pricing, Pros and Cons

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Rife therapy offers a non-invasive, comfortable, and safe alternative to traditional treatment. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the body through pads on the hands and feet or through plasma tubes. These frequencies match those of pathogens in the body, and by bombarding them with the same frequencies, we can inhibit their growth or destroy them entirely. Choosing a rife machine for you is a tricky task, so we have decided to compile an extensive review of the TrueRife frequency machine.



What Is a TrueRife Frequency Machine?

The rife machine was invented in 1920 by Royal Raymond Rife, a bacteriologist from John Hopkins University. The rife machine is built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. The idea behind the rife machine can be compared to an opera singer breaking a wine glass with her vocal cords.

When the precise note (frequency) is held, it will cause the glass to vibrate and shatter. The same is true for viruses, bacteria, and pathogens in the body. They all have their own unique frequency. The rife machine accesses this frequency and matches it to destroy the harmful cells in the body.

This is done with thousands of specific frequency programs in the rife machine database. The TrueRife machine can be used to treat diseases such as cancer, Lyme disease, diabetes, and even influenza. While these machines are complex in the number of ailments they treat, they are surprisingly easy to use and come with user manuals that are simple enough for anyone to understand. A TrueRife app is available on the Google Play store to help you navigate your experience.

Have a look at the top rife machine >>

TrueRife Pros & Cons

Rife machines are considered to be one of the more natural treatments for breast cancer

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How Much Does a TrueRife Machine Cost? 

  • Starter Package: $4,899 (includesF-122 Frequency Generator. Asus 15.6″ Laptop preloaded with TrueRife Version 6.2 Software, Crystal Hammer Bulb, TrueRife Ground Sheet, TrueRife Relief Rings and various accessories). More info>>
  • Premium Package: $6,395 (all the bells and whistles included, including accessories, F-122 Frequency Generator, Asus 15.6″ Laptop preloaded with TrueRife Version 6.2 Software, SuperNova Bulb and more). More info>>

Features of TrueRife

  • True Rife F-122 Rife Generator -The True Rife F-122 generator can reach an impressive 1 800 volts when used as a contact device. Used in conjunction with the soft ground mat, it provides a safe yet highly effective form of treatment.
  • Crystal Hammer Bulb – The inside of the crystal hammer bulb is covered with crystals that become electrified when using the machine. There is also a gemstone on the outside of the bulb. This bulb promotes different frequencies to be generated based on the size and shape of the crystals.
  • TrueRife Foot Bath –The Ion Pro Wave Foot Bath spa requires water and three-quarters of a cup of salt to work. It’s that simple! You can use it as often as needed to ensure a relaxing foot detox.
  • TrueRife Brand Soft Ground, Earthing Mat -The softground mat is for use with the ion foot bath. It is a comfortable alternative to hard metal grounding mats. Cortisol levels have been shown to improve while using these mats in conjunction with treatment.
  • Grounding Sheet – Your grounding sheet can be placed in your chair, under your bedsheets, or anywhere else in your home where you may spend time sitting or laying down.
  • TrueRife F-122 Setup Manual – Step-by-step instructions on setting up your TrueRife F-122 machine and TrueRife Foot Bath for a hassle-free experience.
  • TrueRife Frequency Machine Software V6 – This is the brain of the operation, fitted with expertly created TrueRife technology. Equipped with over 2 400 programs and over 1 000 instructional videos, the TrueRife Software guarantees healing and learning on thousands of diseases.
  • There are rife frequencies available for cancer, headaches, and a variety of different diseases. Any updates will be free for the duration of your use, for your convenience.
  • Travel Case- Healing does not stop at home, so TrueRife has provided a stylish and sturdy case to hold your Rife machine and all of its accessories.

The Bottom Line: Is True Rife Worth It?

If money is not an option, the TrueRife machine is one of the best rife machines on the market. Its design is sleek, modeled directly after the original machine. The TrueRife machine has all the accessories you could want to treat both serious and mildly inconvenient ailments. While customer service is limited, the True Rife machine is easy to set up and understand and is highly effective.

Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device.

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