
Bemer Therapy

What is Bemer Treatment?


Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation or BEMER device employs a low-level pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), to mimic and increase electromagnetic energy while increasing blood circulation and promoting oxygenation of tissues on a capillary level.

Cancer cells thrive in acidic environments where the availability of oxygen and nutrients are inadequate for healthy cellular metabolism. The therapy enhances the circulatory system, dilates capillaries, and increases blood flow, creating a more difficult environment for cancer cells to survive in.

In 2016, a study found that BEMER Therapy made cancer cells more sensitive to radiation by increasing reactive oxygen species and causing more breaks in the DNA. This sensitivity seems to depend on the duration and strength of the BEMER therapy.

By increasing the electromagnetic energy to all cells, BEMER technology can stimulate every cell to function at an optimal level and correct abnormalities in metabolism and energy.

It also promotes the body’s mechanism of healing, recovery, and regeneration processes.


The Benefits of Bemer Therapy


  • Improves functioning through microcirculation by stimulating the pumping movement of the smallest blood vessel.
  • Enhance physical fitness, endurance, strength, and energy
  • Increases oxygenation and nutrient supply to the cells and tissues and helps remove waste products and toxins from the cells
  • Improves blood flow properties, which helps reduce the risk of thrombosis (when blood clots block veins or arteries)
  • Indirectly improves the immune system
  • Restores cell membrane potential to normal level
  • Effective and safe to use concurrently with all other cancer treatments
  • BEMER Therapy can also help to enhance the body’s ability to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.


How is it Administered?


The procedure for administering this type of therapy to cells is simple and non-invasive. The medical practitioner in charge of administration will simply use a particular mat or pad to send the low-intensity electromagnetic field into the targeted cells.

The professional can adjust the frequency and intensity of each pulse using this mat or pad, which is directly connected to another device.

The frequency and intensity will always be determined by the patient’s healthcare needs and diagnosis, but the average is 8 minutes per day, twice a day.


How Can the Therapy Help Treat Cancer?


It’s been proven by medical oncology researchers and scientists that electromagnetic field therapies can slow down the growth of tumors.

Although it is not a cure, it does have the ability to lessen the potency of cancer. Still, this basic fact will likely be verified in the future after a few more clinical trials and studies are conducted. This type of treatment was initially developed to make cancer cells more susceptible to other treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.  


Bemer Treatment – Risks and Side Effects 


The therapy is not dangerous. There are no known significant side effects associated with the treatment, nor are there any reports of problems related to excessive exposure to the electromagnetic fields generated by the device. However, because there is not enough scientific evidence to show the side effects and risks of using BEMER treatments, pregnant women, pacemaker wearers, and those with epilepsy should practice precautions. 




The video below showcases a cancer survivor who used BEMER Therapy to treat her cancer. Her testimonial aimed to underline the importance of the body’s need for oxygen and circulation, which has proved especially important for cancer patients since their abnormal cells learn to exist without oxygen and rapidly grow. 

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