
Cannabis/ RSO Oil

Cannabis has long been hailed as a potential cancer treatment by medical professionals, researchers, and notable figures within the cannabis community. One of the clearest examples of using cannabis oil for cancer treatment is seen through the use of Full Extract Cannabis Oil, also commonly referred to as FECO or RSO (Rick Simpson Oil).

While some cancer patients smoke or vape marijuana to better handle the side effects of the conventional treatment, the extraction of the full compounds of cannabis flower makes a therapeutic oil that is used as the main protocol to treat cancer itself.

RSO/ FECO has gained great popularity over the years with a growing number of people reporting the benefits of the oil for their chronic or terminal cancer.

The biomedical community has also shown a rapidly growing interest in cannabis as medicine. Extensive research on the healing effect of cannabis for multiple medical conditions is underway, with some encouraging results that have already been published.

A 2021 study indicated that while many cancer patients use cannabis in conjunction with cancer treatments, their primary care teams lacked insight on how to integrate cannabis into a regimen.

It is important to note that FECO is NOT CBD oil!

The Difference between RSO and CBD:


CBD is just one part of the plant.

FECO/ RSO contains both the CBD and THC components and other terpenes and cannabinoids that create the “entourage effect” essential for the healing process. If you are considering using this cannabis oil in your healing journey, please note; that different medical conditions require different cannabis strains, different dosages, CBD/THC ratios and methods of consumption (capsules, tinctures, suppositories, etc.).

We strongly believe that having a professional cannabis nurse/doctor as an online counselor can be of great benefit to your healing with cannabis.

Join us as we provide in-depth information regarding this Oil, such as its origin, what it’s composed of, benefits, and even a tutorial on how to make RSO at home.


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Who is Rick Simpson?


For Rick Simpson, the journey into the world of medicinal cannabis started in 2003 when he noticed multiple bumps on his arm. His suspicion of cancer was confirmed when he was diagnosed with skin cancer.

Rick Simpson had previously used cannabis to help relieve tinnitus and other symptoms related to an earlier incident in his life. Furthermore, he read into various medical journals that referenced cannabinoids to contain anti-cancerous properties. It was at this point that he began self-medicating with cannabis oil – regardless of the legal repercussions that were in store for him.

Rick Simpson began making his own cannabis oil at home, which was later dubbed as Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO oil for short. Rick Simpson used naphtha to extract the cannabinoids. Most patients nowadays, however, prefer to use high-grade alcohol as the primary solvent to extract the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant.

Rick Simpson then used his oil topically and noticed after a few treatments that the bumps on his skin disappeared. From this point on, Rick Simpson made it his goal to share his RSO oil with the rest of the world. He went on to produce full extract cannabis oil for those in need free of charge. 

However, lawmakers caught up with Rick Simpson and his cannabis oil crusade. Multiple fines, raids, and arrests never deterred him from teaching others how to make RSO.

Simpson now lives in Croatia and maintains a website for his RSO recipe, dosing guide, and books.


What’s Inside Rick Simpson Oil RSO?




RSO oil, which has also been called Phoenix Tears, is a highly concentrated cannabis oil that contains an abundance of THC. However, depending on the cannabis strain, the final oil may contain a high THC: CBD ratio or vice versa, along with all other naturally-occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

In other words, RSO is a full-spectrum extract that is highly potent.

It’s important to note that Rick Simpson Oil is not CBD oil. The high levels of THC are the defining line between RSO oil and non-THC products, such as CBD oil. CBD oils must test below a 0.3% THC threshold, which makes it clearly different from RSO oil.

Lastly, Rick Simpson Oil is produced from THC-rich cannabis, whereas CBD oil is produced from hemp.


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Who Should Use Rick Simpson/ FECO Oil?


Over the years, many people have shared their incredible healing stories after using cannabis oil. Due to THC’s beneficial effect on the mind and body, Rick Simpson Oil has become increasingly popular among cancer patients.

However, RSO oil isn’t just for cancer patients. Cannabis oil has been researched to help individuals who suffer from multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, seizures, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.

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Are There Side Effects to Rick Simpsons Cannabis Oil?


As with anything, there are always side effects. However, Rick Simpson Oil’s side effects are minimal when compared to the long list of negative effects found in pharmaceutical drugs. When taking RSO oil, you may experience these symptoms.


● Sleepiness

● Anxiety

● Red Eyes

● Impaired Motor Skills


The most common side effect experienced with RSO oil is an increased urge to sleep. This is normal because it’s a part of the healing process that allows the body to rest and recover. 


A patient’s testimonial about using cannabis oil to treat her cancer.


An Alternative Health Solution

Ultimately, Rick Simpson Oil is a breakthrough alternative medicine. Its far-reaching effects give medical patients relief from countless issues, such as cancer. There’s no better time than now to experience the therapeutic effects that RSO oil contains.

Although it’s been a long road, RSO for cancer patients and other health issues is steadily becoming more mainstream. Governments throughout the world increasingly recognize the benefits that cannabis oil contains, which means that Rick Simpson’s fight has not been in vain.


>>Also Read: How to Choose the Best CBD for Medical Use


How to Make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)


Many legal marijuana dispensaries will carry lab-tested RSO oil if you reside in a legal state.

Rick Simpson always advocated for patients to make their own RSO oil. The primary reason for this is to reduce the overall cost and to verify that the RSO oil that you consume is, in fact, pure cannabis oil. There are many black market cannabis companies that claim to have RSO oil; however, many of them charge exorbitant prices for a mediocre product that they know is not the real deal.

By following Rick Simpson’s advice, you too can make your own RSO oil at home, and by doing so, you’ll ensure that the final product is rich in cancer-fighting cannabinoids.

Sharon Kelly: Cannabis Killed My Terminal Stage IV Lung Cancer
Rylie Maedler, 13, takes cannabis oil once in the morning, during lunch, at dinner and before bed. The Delaware teen has been taking it since she was 7 after being diagnosed with aggressive giant cell granuloma, a rare type of tumor.
A cancer patient from Coventry, who was told she had weeks to live and has been saved by cannabis oil.
At the age of 10, Deryn Blackwell was diagnosed with leukaemia and two years later developed a rare form of cancer called Langerhans cell sarcoma. After four unsuccessful bone marrow transplants he was given just days to live, but somehow Deryn battled his way back from the brink and has since made a full recovery. Deryn’s mother Callie revealed that she had been giving him medicinal cannabis and credits it with saving Deryn’s life.

Cannabis/ RSO Oil - Relevant Research and News

What Does the Future Hold for Cannabinoids in Breast Cancer Therapy?

Cannabinoids, which have a long history of use for various health conditions, are now gaining attention for their diverse therapeutic properties. They have shown effectiveness in addressing issues like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and pain relief. Initially used to manage side effects of chemotherapy, cannabinoids have also demonstrated the ability to influence the growth and death of cancer cells, as well as angiogenesis, making them potential candidates for cancer treatment. Some studies suggest that cannabinoids may be more effective against estrogen receptor-negative (ER-) cells in breast cancer compared to estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) cells. Kiskova et al. published a paper in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, where they discussed the possible future use of cannabinoids in breast cancer therapy.

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women across the globe. The severity of breast cancer and health problems is even more obvious when we look at its aggressive subtypes that affect young women. The paper above showed that data from some studies identified various anti-tumor activities of plant-derived and synthetic CBs. However, some pieces of research found that cannabinoids could contribute to tumor progression.

The most well-known cannabinoids, CBD and THC, have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. They act through cannabinoid receptors in the brain, especially the CB2 receptor, which is present in the immune system cells. These receptors are also found in breast cancer cells. Basically, the presence of the cannabinoid receptor determines the effects of CBs. This mechanism in the body holds the potential for individualized treatment of breast cancer in the future.

CBD combined with THC can alleviate pain significantly. The use of cannabinoids can block the progression of cancer cells and prevent cell growth by encouraging cells to self-destruct. While CBs sure look like promising agents in breast cancer therapy, more studies are needed to shed a light on their full mechanism of action, and also to ensure safety to patients who undergo CB treatment for breast cancer.

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