


Dimethyl sulfoxide is a naturally occurring liquid substance derived from trees that is created as a by-product of paper production. In the medical realm, researchers have identified its unique consistency, making it an optimal solvent for blending specific drugs into solutions.

Because it is rapidly absorbed when applied to the skin, DMSO is used as a prescription drug to treat inflammation and pain. 

In alternative cancer treatment, practitioners use DMSO to enable chemotherapy to focus specifically on cancer cells by opening their ports. The DMSO binds to chemotherapy drugs, targets the cancer cells, and drags chemotherapy into the cells, and the chemotherapy now kills its target: the cancer cells.

DMSO’s main advantage is that much less chemotherapy is needed as it targets cancer cells, killing more of them and doing much less damage to non-cancerous cells.

But generally, the drug is generic, meaning – it cannot be patented. Suffice to say, it has poor profit potential. As a result, drug companies have shown little to no interest in researching its potency in treating cancers. 



DMSO Clinical Research 

Research from 2010 concludes that: “Methyl sulfone may have clinical potential as a non-toxic agent effective against metastatic melanoma. Additionally, methyl sulfone has promise as a tool to explore the molecular mechanisms of metastatic transformation as well as fundamental processes such as cell migration, contact inhibition, wound healing and cellular senescence.”

Another study that was done in 2012 focused on DMSO and lung cancer. Evidence showed that DMSO could help boost a protein called HLJ1, which fights against tumors in lung cancer cells. The study concluded that DMSO might be a useful starting point for creating new drugs to fight cancer.

In 2023, a review of all published research data related to using DMSO concluded,  “DMSO might be implemented as an effective, safe, and inexpensive differentiation-inducing therapeutic agent to enhance the overall efficacy of the established conventional and complementary cancer treatments.” and “Besides the documented robust differentiation-inducing activities, DMSO has also demonstrated several anti-cancer properties that could further benefit cancer patients, including suppressing proliferation and inducing apoptosis”.

Is DMSO a Cancer Fighter?

DMSO in Alternative Cancer Therapy

In the alternative treatment community, DMSO is recognized for its role in supporting cancer therapies. One of the most promising uses of DMSO is as a carrier for chemotherapy drugs.

Here’s how it works:

Targeted Chemotherapy: DMSO is believed to “open” the ports of cancer cells, allowing chemotherapy drugs to be delivered directly into the cancerous tissue. This process targets cancer cells more effectively while sparing healthy cells.

Reduced Side Effects: By focusing chemotherapy on the cancer cells, less chemotherapy is needed. This means fewer side effects like hair loss, nausea, and immune suppression, giving patients a more gentle and holistic cancer treatment experience.

Natural Healing Potential: Unlike traditional chemotherapy that often impacts the whole body, DMSO helps reduce the toxic load on non-cancerous cells, making it a complementary option for those seeking alternative cancer treatments.

The Benefits of DMSO in Healing

  • Pain Relief: DMSO is a natural pain reliever, widely used to reduce inflammation in conditions like arthritis, sprains, and sports injuries. Its topical application makes it an easy and effective solution for chronic pain sufferers.
  • Detoxification and Healing: DMSO promotes the body’s natural detoxification processes, helping flush out harmful toxins and reduce oxidative stress in cells.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Whether used on its own or in combination with other treatments, DMSO is highly effective at reducing inflammation, making it an excellent remedy for inflammatory conditions.
  • Cell Regeneration: DMSO encourages healthy cell function and regeneration, promoting healing at a cellular level, which is why it’s favored in the natural treatment of chronic conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does DMSO do to cancer?

DMSO binds to chemotherapy drugs, targeting the cancer cells and dragging the chemotherapy into the cells. This allows the chemotherapy to kill its target: the cancer cells.

Can DMSO cause cancer?

DMSO is not listed as a carcinogen by regulatory authorities and it has been found not to be a teratogen in mice, rats, or rabbits.

Is DMSO harmful to humans?

DMSO toxicity has been studied in humans and found to have some mild side effects, which include headache, nausea, dizziness, dry skin, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, breathing problems, allergic reactions and a garlic-like smell.  Current research has shown that limiting the dosage can almost completely mitigate these symptoms, except for the garlic-like smell, which all patients experienced regardless of dosage.

Can you drink DMSO?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the effects of DMSO when consumed orally can vary from person to person. Some people claim that DMSO has a host of health benefits when consumed orally, while others report negative side effects such as nausea and vomiting. More research is needed to determine the long-term effects of consuming DMSO orally.

What does DMSO do to the brain?

DMSO has been found to prevent oxidative stress and reduce swelling of the brain to improve its blood supply. Human brains treated with DMSO immediately after a head injury have reduced swelling within as little as five minutes. Clinical trials have shown significantly extended survival rates in patients with traumatic brain injuries who were treated with DMSO.

Does DMSO damage the liver?

DMSO can actually protect the liver from injury produced by a variety of hepatotoxicants when administered before or in conjunction with the toxicants.

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