
San Diego Clinic


At SDC Clinic, we believe that integrating scientific research, medical treatments, and naturopathy can provide effective protocols for cancer management.

Our service offerings include Immunology, metabolic programs, and other integrative methods.

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About San Diego Clinic

San Diego Clinic’s Pioneering Immunological Cancer Program

San Diego clinic offers a comprehensive treatment plan that strives to destroy the tumor and cancer cells while improving the immune system while detoxifying and building the body. 

At San Diego Clinic, we’re proud to offer an exclusive Immunological Cancer Program crafted to complement traditional cancer treatments with powerful immune therapies. Our treatments are not only cutting-edge but also catered uniquely to the individual needs of every patient.

We also offer a comprehensive follow-up program that includes friendly, professional staff who are available to answer any questions or concerns.


Our Metabolic Therapy Effects:

  • Eliminate free radicals
  • Induce apoptosis (cancer cells suicide)
  • Enhance lymphatic drainage
  • Boost immune system
  • Stop the progression of the disease and metastasis
  • Protect important organs from chemo side effects (liver, spleen, bone, kidneys)


Pioneering Immunotherapy Treatments: Our Comprehensive Vaccine Offerings

1. Dendritic Cell Vaccine: An intrinsic part of our immune system, dendritic cells are proficient in modulating both T cells and B-cells. Through our vaccine, we aim to harness this property to invoke a potent immune response against cancer cells, forming an adaptive immunological memory.

2. NK/LAK Cell Vaccine: NK cells, prevalent in circulation, are powerful cytotoxic adversaries against tumor cells. Our tailored vaccine aims to bolster the inherent anti-tumor activities of these cells, providing a formidable defense against metastatic tumors.

3. Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Vaccine (TILs): Using T cells, which are essential components of our immune system, we’ve developed a vaccine that facilitates the isolation of the most fervent anti-tumor lymphocytes. This approach has revolutionized the treatment methodology, enabling a more targeted response against tumors.

4. Neo-Springer Vaccine: This treatment homes in on the T/Tn antigens found on cancer cells, guiding the body’s T lymphocytes to detect and annihilate these malignant cells.

5. Heptasaccharide Vaccine: Our multi-carbohydrate vaccine has been engineered to target the most abundant carbohydrate antigens present in solid tumors, promoting a dual active-passive immune response.

6. Alergostop Vaccine: This autologous treatment method focuses on reprogramming the immune system, rectifying imbalances caused by stress factors.

7. Myco-vacc: Designed to counteract the debilitating effects of the Mycoplasma bacteria, this vaccine prepares the body’s defense mechanism for a quicker, more efficient response to other treatments.

8. Prostavac: Created exclusively for men, this self-vaccine isolates specific cancer markers from a blood sample to produce specific antibodies that target and eradicate prostate cancer cells.


Let’s Take the Next Step Together

Our approach at San Diego Clinic emphasizes individualized care, and our experienced team is dedicated to making this journey with you, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment and care.

If you’re looking to integrate powerful immunotherapy treatments with your current regimen, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.



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San Diego Clinic Cost and Additional Expenses

The late-stage cancer program is ~6 weeks: $5,000-$6,000 a week

Lyme/other chronic ailments 4-6 weeks: $2,500 a week

Included in the Price:
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After Care Program
  • The at-home program is at an extra cost of ~$15,000:
  • 8 weeks’ medication and supplements
  • IV – 3 times a week of
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Simply leave your contact details here, and we’ll reach out within 24 hours with more information about our program.

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Available Treatments at San Diego Clinic

Meet Dr. Filiberto Munoz

Dr. Monuz

Dr. Filiberto Munoz

Dr. Munoz has developed a multi-factorial approach using metabolic and immune therapies, including; IPThyperthermia, and autologous and heterologous vaccines.



What Patients Say

My initial 4 weeks with Dr. Munoz and his team in May of 2021 was a game changer. I am forever grateful for Dr. Munoz and his team, in particular Dr. Mancilla, as they have given me a new lease on life.
Anthony A
Stage 4 Prostate Cancer
Dr. Munoz is brilliant and only takes about 6 patients at a time. He has had large clinics in the past and prefers to give more specialized care to each individual case vs a spray gun approach that many clinics in Tijiana give. It's a small family operated clinic with no marketing budget or fancy website.
Kelly Darling
Breast Cancer
My experiences with Dr. Munoz and his team has been nothing but great. From the first time I met with him he talked about curing my cancer, and his tools have made Victory very obtainable. His confidence and energy make you more confident and he was the first Dr. that I felt was committed
Kyle Callaway Callaway
Grade 3 gleoplastoma

General Information


Paseo de los Héroes 9211, Zona Río, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Spoken Languages


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Tour of the San Diego Clinic
Meet Dr. Munoz

Contact the Clinic

Simply leave your contact details here, and we’ll reach out within 24 hours with more information about our program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the clinic located?
San Diego Clinic is an outpatient facility located just 500 yards over the Mexico border in Tijuana
What is the cost of treatment?
The late-stage cancer program which runs about six weeks, costs between $5000-$6000USD a week. This does not include accommodations or eight weeks of medications and supplements and thrice weekly IVs

San Diego Clinic Reviews

12 reviews
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October 2024
Dave Siever
Medical Condition Prostate Cancer Stage 4

I went to the San Diego Clinic (SDC) in August of 2023. After being devastated from radiation (EBRT) treatment in the less-than-competent cancer hospital in Edmonton, Canada, I was looking for anything that wasn't "standard of care." Prior to arriving, I had been on bicalutamide for 14 months. I quit in February as I was getting sick from it. After quitting, my PSA began climbing at 10 points / month. Dr. Munoz said that he could help. I spent $35,000 US for the 2-week visit plus a bunch of take-home vaccines and herbal supplements.
Dr. Munoz threw everything that he could think of, but unfortunately, my PSA didn't slow down in the slightest. I had asked if I should be on a T suppressor, such as leuprolide, and he felt that I could beat this on my own. I finally went for a hormone injection with a PSA of 90. I had lost valuable time in my battle to kill the beast. Also, from the vitamin C infusions, I passed a painful kidney stone a few weeks later. (I have been told that I should have been on baking soda to neutralize the oxalates that from from high-dose C).
I was given a 5-month supply of injections and supplements, so I would think I should have been considered a patient for that time period. But, from time to time, as I discover other supplements that I should have been on and was asking for feedback on these, Dr. Munoz quit answering my emails at 4-months and simply abandoned me.
A year and 3 months have come and gone and my PSA is currently 1-2, but should be lower. If I had gone on hormone therapy instead of going to the SDC, I might have a much better PSA today.
What I have learned:
Many herbs and supplements have poor bioavailability and should be liposomal and nanoparticled for better absorption. The herbs that I was given were run-of-the-mill. Diet and sugar control is extremely important for beating the "Beast." Most alternative cancer centers teach about diet, but there was no discussion regarding diet at the SDC.
Dr. Munoz incorrectly concluded that the cancer was dead in my prostate, but PSMA imaging shows that it still lives on.
I believe that Dr. Munoz tried everything in his arsenal of treatments, but he may not be the "wizard" as claimed. That being said, he could run circles around the oncologists in
Edmonton! - and so I give the clinic a "2" rating.
He is a nice gentleman, but a one-man show and cannot know everything. Also, as in larger cancer treatment facilities, I believe that there need to be much better separation between the practitioner (Dr. Munoz) and the profits.

Previous Treatments Radiation
Improvements No improvement
2 people found this helpful
February 2024
Alexis Taylor ,Utah/Wyoming connect with Alexis Taylor
Medical Condition Stage 4 colon cancer

I was first diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2018 at the age of 38. I did six months of intensive chemo and thought I had it beat. In 2022 at a routine CT scan, they discovered four to six lymph nodes that were cancerous. I was devastated. At the urging of my boyfriend, I met with Dr. Muñoz via teleconference. I knew that even if I went for the four weeks, I wouldn’t be any worse off so I decided to go. I haven’t done any chemo, and I am now down to one lymph node that is consistently shrinking. Not only that, my signatera test has gone from 8.7 for cancer DNA in my blood to 0.05! I am so thankful for the staff at San Diego Clinic. Dr. Muñoz and crew have saved my life. It is hard telling where I would be if I had followed the American protocol, which was going to be chemo for the rest of my life, and they weren’t sure how long that would be. I love all of the ladies there. You really feel so cared for. You’re not just a number.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Improvements Appetite, Better scans CT, Blood results, General mood, MRI
5 people found this helpful
November 2023
Faith Jeffrey ,United States connect with Faith Jeffrey
Medical Condition Stage 3a high grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer

The doctors work with your body using current cancer fighting techniques unencumbered by the USA FDA limitations to optimize your immune system against the disease.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy, Surgery
Improvements Blood results
4 people found this helpful
August 2023
Medical Condition Stage IV Breast Cancer

The radiologist told me that I had cancer the day before Thanksgiving, November 23rd, 2022. He, and every other local medical professional I came into contact with, began to use their fear approach to convince me to act / react immediately.
Unfortunately, I had a double mastectomy surgery with reconstruction implants on December 27th, 2022 (before a PET scan) and before I began to learn about much healthier options. I had a 4.9cm x 4.8cm tumor in my left breast and 7 out of 12 lymph nodes were malignant. A PET scan was done in January. A few test results were confusing and no one could / would explain what a SUV # was.
Searching for healthier options became a fulltime job and almost all of my answers (from doctors and clinics around the US and several in Mexico) were disappointing... until my first conversation with Judy at the San Diego Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.
She was an angel on the other end of the line who arranged a call where Dr. Munoz could answer my long list of questions.
That first call with Dr. Munoz was the beginning of the rest of my life... he answered 40-some questions and agreed to review all that I had been through. He fully explained what a SUV # is. This is CRITICAL knowledge. A few days later, I received a detailed report with the second opinion I had been looking for: a holistic, safe approach to treating my autoimmune disease.
Plans were made and I was ready to go when I developed a cellulitis infection on my right breast.

Dr. Munoz recommended IV medication but my local doctor disagreed. I took the meds my local doctor prescribed and, one week later, the infection was worse and I ended up in the hospital for 4 days and (surprise!) needed IV medication with a PICC line - for 6 weeks! During this time I called and emailed the clinic with questions and / or concerns and every issue was taken care of with grace and kindness.
The day after my local doctor finally released me to travel, on April 15th, I flew to San Diego (with my mother along for support). We were picked up by Gus, the driver for the San Diego Clinic, and crossed through the border with ease. Our little apartments were spotless and as sweet as could be! On Monday, April 17th, Gus once again picked us up and we arrived at the beautiful clinic in Tijuana. Everyone is family when you arrive at the clinic! The love and compassion are evident the moment you walk through the door. I truly knew I was in the right place, despite those internal voices repeating what local doctors had said… “You only have 18 months to live if you don’t do chemo and radiation…”

Blood tests, ultrasounds, and IV infusions were mostly painless and very efficient. *I have baby veins so that was a bit of a challenge… lol. Infusions included chelation, vitamin C and K, cancer stem cell annihilators, immune builders and more. Vaccines were made from my urine and blood and I felt like every step taken was forward progress. Monday - Friday, IV infusions would take around 4 hours. Some days took longer and some days I could barely stay awake… they are truly that relaxing!
My cellulitis infection reemerged with a vengeance 10 days after we arrived.

Medication was prescribed and after-hour doctor visits, to my apartment, to check on me, became the norm. Dr Mancilla, second in command after Dr. Munoz, took me to the hospital and assisted with an emergency surgery to remove the implants the following Saturday morning. The surgeon, Dr. Zavala (one of the kindest doctor’s I’ve ever met), took such good care of me and inserted a port that would soon become my new “norm.” I continued to be in incredible hands and I am ever so grateful for their expertise.

Unfortunately, the infection (that started back home) had never fully healed. It had been so bad that a 450 ml hematoma developed during my recovery in the hospital. Once again, Dr. Mancilla came to my rescue and was able to remove the fluid and eliminate the nearly unbearable pain. The size of this hematoma had pushed the port out of place and would have to be repositioned. My second surgery in Mexico, 10 days later, went without a hitch and new tests were done a few days later. Blood tests, X-rays, and ultrasounds confirmed that ALL evidence of cancer and infection were 100% gone.

Every day, I was greeted by happy faces from staff and clients alike. Every week, blood tests were taken and every week they got better and better. I was CANCER-FREE, less than a month after treatments began. The ONLY issues I had were directly related to the reconstruction implants, that I now regret doing. Every day I met people who had their own miracle story and every day I felt lucky to have found this group of angels who helped me to create my own miracle story.

On June 1st, I returned home with two HUGE suitcases full of medicine… IV infusions haven’t been bad at all. Shots, now that I’m no longer a needle-phobe, are also not bad. I feel great and I am looking forward to my return trip next month. This 1-week follow up should result in a FULL-REMISSION report… Praise God for Dr. Munoz and the team at the San Diego Clinic.
*I have begun my next book, “How Cancer Saved my Life,” as a result of all that I’ve been through and learned. It will be available soon.
Rhonda Spellman

Previous Treatments Surgery
Improvements Appetite, Blood results, General mood, Nausea, Pain, Sleep
6 people found this helpful
April 2023
Anthony A.
Medical Condition Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in June of 2020 with metastasis to bones, pelvis and lungs. My conventional oncologist immediately placed me on ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) as well as Xtandi to shut down my production of testosterone which fed the cancer. PSA went from 176 down to undetectable within 2 months. Also did radiation therapy to target areas of metastasis to bones particularly in the pelvic area. The treatment controlled the spread of the cancer but completely wiped me out physically with terrible side effects. 9 months later, I searched for integrative cancer treatments to build my immune system to counter the effects of the ADT which was severely affecting my normal daily living. From a recommendation of a respected integrative MD in California, I ended up at San Diego Clinic with Dr. Filberto Munoz and his team in Tijuana, Mexico. My initial 4 weeks with Dr. Munoz and his team in May of 2021 was a game changer. Dr. Munoz’s immunological program with several targeted vaccines made from my own blood had a dramatic affect on my health by going after and destroying my cancer cells and strengthening my immune system for my body to continue to fight the cancer progression. In addition, his metabolic therapy of IVs and daily supplements were also game changers which further attacked my cancer cells and improved my overall health and wellness. Fast forward to January 2023, I completed a PSMA PET scan and have been declared in complete remission. I am also now off ADT and Xtandi and regaining my testosterone levels. Dr. Munoz is a 35 year veteran in the war against cancer. He is extremely knowledgeable in his field of expertise of immunology and immunotherapy. He is very compassionate with his patients and has a loyal following of advanced stage cancer patients who visit him year after year. He also has an extensive network of other medical doctors and medical professionals in Tijuana when other expertise is needed. I am forever grateful for Dr. Munoz and his team, in particular Dr. Mancilla, as they have given me a new lease on life.

Previous Treatments Hormone therapy, Radiation
Diet Low Sugar, Organic, Vegan
Improvements Appetite, Better scans CT, Blood results, General mood, MRI, Pain
4 people found this helpful
October 2022
Kelly Darling
Medical Condition Breats Cancer

Dr. Munoz is brilliant and only takes about 6 patients at a time. He has had large clinics in the past and prefers to give more specialized care to each individual case vs a spray gun approach that many clinics in Tijiana give.
We have been going for years for all needs.

It's a small family operated clinic with no marketing budget or fancy website.

He won't take you if he doesn't think he will win the game of getting you into remission.

They are honest and NOT there for the money. Although they have serious expenses and therefore charge what they need.

Also one of the top surgeons in TJ told me this Dr. gets the most patients I to full remission out of everyone he works with in the city. (He told me he wasn't sure what he does different than the rest but it's what he sees. )

I have been in remission twice now, my younger brother and mother.

We are family now at this family owned and operated clinic. ❤️

Previous Treatments None
Diet Low Sugar, Organic, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian
Improvements Appetite, Better scans CT, Blood results, Digestion, General mood, MRI, Nausea, Pain, Sleep
4 people found this helpful
July 2022
Medical Condition Grade 3 Astrocytoma

My experiences with Dr. Munoz and his team has been nothing but great. From the first time I met with him he talked about curing my cancer, and his tools have made Victory very obtainable. His confidence and energy make you more confident and he was the first Dr. that I felt was committed. So far my outcome has been great And my cancer number is dropping fast and I’ve had one clean scan. I am doing the Mexico treatments and doing chemo, I did radiation and never got beat up by any of it too bad. We were able to bring a lot of Mexico home with us where we do at home treatments which involves iv therapy 2 times a week and vaccines daily. I highly recommend anyone wanting to do more to get to Tijuana and check them out.

Previous Treatments Surgery
Diet I don't follow a specific diet
Improvements Better scans CT, Blood results, General mood, MRI
4 people found this helpful
February 2020
Medical Condition Colon Cancer, Stage 4

My brother developed stage 4 colon cancer in spite of aggressive treatment in the best facilities in Texas. When he was unable to tolerate any more chemotherapy I sought the assistance of a brilliant doctor, graduate of Stanford University, with whom I had previously worked. After much research and site visits to multiple clinics, both in the US and Mexico, we opted for the San Diego Clinic. It proved to be the best choice based on their comprehensive, scientifically proven protocols.
My brother went through the treatment and began feeling better within a few weeks. It's been almost a year since and he is as happy and well as I have seen him since the onset of his cancer. His PET scan was normal, much to the surprise of his Texan physicians.
A recent book titled "Fields of Poison: Migrant Fartmworker to Crusading Physician" by Michael Halperin details my experience treating and preventing pesticide illness in farmworkers in California during my career. National and international experts in toxicology write "...story of extraordinary brilliance and tenacity of Dr. Antonio Velasco in overcoming systemic racism and injustice in America". Also, among my awards I was honored as the California Family Physician of the year in 1992. I am not trying to glorify myself, I simply like to convey the fact that I had been a firm believer and practitioner of traditional medicine and had never considered alternative treatments in Mexico, especially Tijuana where some unscrupulous doctors have tainted the image of the quality of medical services.
I also received treatment Systemic Lupus and now feel better than anytime in the last 22 years since my diagnosis.
I recommend San Diego Clinic with the upmost confidence to anyone suffering from cancer or immune disorders.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy, Radiation
Diet Low Sugar, I don't follow a specific diet
Improvements Appetite, Blood results, Digestion, General mood, Nausea, Pain, Sleep
4 people found this helpful
July 2019
Medical Condition Stage 4 breast cancer with mets to the lung and bone

I received excellent care from Dr. Munoz and Dr. Mancilla. Both doctors are compassionate and caring, and Dr. Munoz understands cancer better than any doctor I have ever met. They are wonderful doctors. I have met a few patients who have gone into complete remission, under the care of these doctors. The cost of the clinic was much more than ever disclosed. There is a complete lack of communication when it comes to discussing the patients financial obligations beforehand, and preparing them for these types of charges. It's nothing to spend $100,000 at this clinic. I wish I had known beforehand because I would not have started treatment that I could not afford to finish. I spend $40,000, another $5,000 on food and lodging. I am a single mother, and spent every dime I had, unfortunately I ran out of money before I was ever in remission. I did see improvement on my PET scan, however now all my money is gone, and I am no better off now than I was before spending every dime to my name. I am currently being treated at Kaiser. This is my 4th diagnosis in 23 years. I have done chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and surgery in the past. I've been in remission 3 times, unfortunately not as lucky this time around.

Previous Treatments None
Diet Low Sugar
Improvements Better scans CT, MRI
7 people found this helpful
June 2019
Medical Condition Stage 4 breast cancer

The clinic is not fancy, but Dr. Munoz is an excellent doctor and very honest. He has put stage 4 breast cancer in remission. He tries to keep the cost low because he knows how expensive it is to heal from cancer. He will spend time with you explaining everything and he truly cares for his patients. I had a reaction to a bone drug so I didn't go to the clinic that day. I had chills and a slight fever. I wasn't sure if I was just coming down with something. When my friend showed up at the clinic and she told him why I didn't show up, he hopped in his car with another doctor and came to my hotel room to check me out. He explained it was a reaction to the bone drug. Dr. Munoz also tailors your protocol to your specific cancer. The clinic is totally outpatient, but they do have deals for their patients at several hotels in the area. I would bring my breakfast and we were usually done for lunchtime. I was sent home with an extensive home protocol. IV'S 3 times a week and one of them being IPT.

Previous Treatments Radiation, Surgery
Diet Low Sugar, Organic, Dairy Free
Improvements General mood
2 people found this helpful

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