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About Verita-Life-Germany


Verita Life Center Hamburg is an integrative cancer clinic specializing in scientifically proven treatments and highly personalized care.

Treating the body as a whole and using a patient’s own immune system to fight cancer is the principal philosophy that underpins this unique clinic.

Verita’s Advantage:

• State of the art German medical devices and protocols, such as Local Hyperthermia.
• Internationally trained doctors, medical experts and nursing staff.
• A wide range of Intravenous and oral anticancer medicines, including supplements and herbs with proven therapeutic value.
• Personalised treatment plans to suit each patient individually.
• Low dose chemotherapy in the form of IPT. This is a powerful and effective treatment without the harsh side effects of traditional chemotherapy.
• Highly effective immunotherapies to boost a patient’s natural responses.
• Concierge service which includes airport pickup and daily clinic transfers.
• Caring and supportive environment
• Treats the patient’s body as a whole.
• Follow up care and take-home treatments after departure.

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Verita-Life-Germany Cost and Additional Expenses

The average treatment cost is 5,500 – 7,500 Euros per week. The average length of treatment is 6 weeks.

The price includes nearby accommodation and daily transportations to the clinic.


** The Clinic offers a FREE consultation to review your medical history and complete a treatment plan to suit each person’s individual needs. Time and cost vary according to each patient.

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Heal Navigator patient advocates are here to assist you with finding options that suit your condition and budget.

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Available Treatments at Verita-Life-Germany

Head Doctors

  • Dr. Adem Günes, MD, PhD

Conditions Treated

  • Cancer

General Information


Martinistraße 64/floor 1, 20251 Hamburg, Germany

Spoken Languages


Discover Alternative Cancer Treatment Options

Heal Navigator patient advocates are here to assist you with finding options that suit your condition and budget.

Verified Clinics to Consider

Oasis of Hope Hospital
Oasis of Hope Hospital, Paseo Playas de Tijuana, Playas, Terrazas, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Immunocine Cancer Center
Boulevard Luis Donaldo Coloso (Av Tulum) Manzana, Cancún, Mexico
Integrative Whole Health Clinic
C. Oaxtepec 12121, Hacienda Agua Caliente, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Verita-Life-Germany Reviews

1 review
HealNavigator sort
March 2020
Medical Condition Metastic Colorectal Stage 4

Pre and post PETCT showed a 60% volume reduction in two tumors. Across the three tumors there was a 20% reduction in SUV. The lung tumor was deemed necrotic after treatment. These results are ‘at that point in time’. The clinic is focused on killing cancer - it was a very different experience to a Mexican clinic I had attended. It’s small and Dr Adem Gunes, the Chief Physician, is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate. He’s the first Dr I felt I could trust. He doesn’t sugar coat the treatment experience and at all times he was super responsive to any side effects.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Diet Organic
Improvements Better scans CT

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