AmberLife Clinic
Here, you’ll find essential information about the clinic’s head doctor, available therapies, cost structures, and honest reviews. Feel free to explore and easily reach out with any inquiries or appointment requests.
About AmberLife Clinic
AmberLife Clinic specializes in an integrative approach that includes complementary and conventional therapies to prevent and treat diseases, and most importantly, to promote optimal health.
It is a full-service medical institution with access to a wide range of World-class diagnostics and Integrative medical treatments for our patients. We are ready to ensure specific examinations and targeted consultations with well-qualified specialists in their respective fields.
The AmberLife Clinic provides a team of medically trained, naturally focused doctors committed to understanding the full scope of evident integrative cancer management options and bringing those options to our patients. We work with natural therapies and support conventional treatments to develop individualized protocols that target your needs, maximize efficacy and deliver optimal outcomes.
Discover Alternative Cancer Treatment Options
Don’t choose a cancer clinic - before you compare your options
Head Doctors
- Dr.Linda Brokane - Medical oncologist
- Dr.Inta Jaunalksne - Oncologist/Immunologist