CMN Hospital

Here, you’ll find essential information about the clinic’s head doctor, available therapies, cost structures, and honest reviews. Feel free to explore and easily reach out with any inquiries or appointment requests.

About CMN Hospital

Established in 1985, CMN’s goal is to target cancer cells and destroy them, while simultaneously restoring the immune system’s innate ability to protect the body from bacterial, parasitic, fungal, viral infections and further growth of tumor cells and detoxify the body from cancer die-off cells and other toxins, with minimal side effects.


Contact the Clinic

CMN Hospital Cost and Additional Expenses

$30,000-$40,000,  a full 28 days treatment plan

The price includes:

  • Accommodation includes a private suite with room for an extra bed if a patient wants to bring a companion – at no extra cost.
  • Meals – Fresh, organic, Non-GMO, Dairy, sugar-free, and Gluten-free
  • Monthly Skype video sessions with Dr. Payan. – after discharge
  • An individualized at-home therapy treatment plan

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Available Treatments at CMN Hospital

Head Doctors

  • Dr. Edgar Payan

General Information


Residencias, 83448 San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, Mexico

Spoken Languages


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CMN Alternative Cancer Treatment
Mexico CMN Alternative Cancer Treatment
CMN Hospital's Facility

Discover Alternative Cancer Treatment Options

Heal Navigator patient advocates are here to assist you with finding options that suit your condition and budget.

Verified Clinics to Consider

Oasis of Hope Hospital
Oasis of Hope Hospital, Paseo Playas de Tijuana, Playas, Terrazas, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Immunocine Cancer Center
Boulevard Luis Donaldo Coloso (Av Tulum) Manzana, Cancún, Mexico
Integrative Whole Health Clinic
C. Oaxtepec 12121, Hacienda Agua Caliente, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

CMN Hospital Reviews

29 reviews
HealNavigator sort
October 2021
Medical Condition Stage 4 Breast Cancer ER/PR+ BRACA2 GENE

An Experience like no other!

From the day we were picked up to the time we were dropped off at the airport, we were treated like familia. I was treated like I mattered, that my life was important, my opinion was important, no matter what question I had or if there was something extra I needed, it always provided. All the staff at CMN from grounds keeper to nurses, doctors etc. are rockstars, even though I live far away I will be taking them home with me in my heart and they are my family now. I can not stress enough how important it is for the mind and heart to be treated the way I was treated at CMN, I feel it was just as important as the treatments….CMN 1 million percent provides the full circle of treatment needed to heal.
Treatments - there is a full spectrum of treatments and completed everyday, 7 days a week, it is a full day. From the first week to the last week I can’t explain in words but I feel better. Nothing is 100% guaranteed, but I know I will never regret my decision coming to CMN. I know what the outcome is with conventional treatment, I had nothing to lose to treat my body in order for my body to do what it is suppose to. Scans in 3 months, I will provide an update. If you have any questions you can reach out on Instagram @Thriveroflife

Previous Treatments Radiation
Diet Low Sugar
Improvements General mood
September 2021
Sarah Thomas
Medical Condition Breast Cancer Stage 4

There are additional cancer butt kicking tools in my arsenal thanks to CMN Alternative Cancer Hospital! Whether people choose to do a little chemo, no chemo, or a mix of both chemo and integrative- it’s also important to support your body through the therapies provided by CMN to have a stronger immune system and better outcomes with the rest of your therapies. CMN took great care of me from meals, to outings, to recreational options, to laundry, to making sure I rest as a patient.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Diet Organic
Improvements Blood results
August 2021
Medical Condition Breast Cancer stage 4

Background was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer June 2016 with one node involved but many removed when operated. Went through process of Chemo, double mastectomy and immediate recon with nipple sparing and last radiation was all done by March 2017. Got recurrence in my brain Oct 2017 as a single concealed tumor in the right side of cerebellum which did craniotomy and then focused radiation. Then occurred in 2018 left .5mm did Gamma knife then in few months many occurred did Whole Brain Radiation (which I wish I hadn’t) and went on prap inhabator Telezoparib was clear for 2years and now again 1 or 2 spots .3mm keep reoccurring because I was tired of badgering my body with conventional treatment, I came across Shannon Knight’s Interview with Chris Wrack I managed to contact her to know more about CMN it took me 2 years of debating cause I live in Dubai to go to Mexico that also for a month was difficult. But Shannon’s experience and Skype chat with Dr Payan left no doubt in my mind and I went to Cmn in July 2021 for a 28 day program. I was extremely impressed by the care and compassion shown to me by all the nurses Carlos, Erika, Itzel, Ismael catering staff Melva, Elenita also ofcourse Elma and Monica who assist patients with their other needs and requirements . Most importantly I wanted thank Dr Payan who answered every query and comforted me and last but not the least Dr Garcia (who covered for dr Payan at times). All staff is massed 24 hours (expect when I took pics with them) .The premises is very clean and they sanatize atleast 3-4 times a day. Had 8-9 treatments from morning to late afternoon kept me very busy, I had someone or the other family member with me for which they were very accommodative (1 family member can stay and eat for free in the patients room). On the whole the experience was great would recommend for any patient who is looking alternative treatment for cancer should look into CMN in St Luis, Mexico. Pls call their no and book a Skype with Dr Payan My scans are due next month praying to God and crossing my fingers.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Diet Vegetarian
Improvements Pain
March 2021
Medical Condition Breast cancer

After hearing my options for treatment in the US I decided to go directly to CMN for my cancer treatment. I could not be happier with the care I received there. My husband was able to stay in the room with me. Both of us have nothing but good to say. We were treated so well!

I jumped into the protocol the very first day I was there. There’s not much free time. Days are filled with one treatment after another. I had a mastectomy after being there one week. I was very comfortable with everything and not nervous at all. The very next day I was back to the treatments.

Dr. Payan and his entire staff are wonderful, caring people. It’s obvious that everyone working there genuinely cares and truly believes in the work they’re doing there.

When my 28 days were up, it was hard to leave and say our goodbyes to everyone. I look forward to going back for my 6 and 12 month check-ups and see everyone again.

I would highly recommend Dr. Payan and CMN Hospital to anyone who doesn’t want to take the chemo/radiation route for their cancer treatment. You do have options!

Previous Treatments None
Diet Organic
Improvements Other
September 2020
Medical Condition Neurological Lyme Disease

It’s been exactly one year since my treatment at CMN Hospital, so to me, my review is very solid reference to those looking for a treatment facility. I didn’t want to write it too soon, so here is my review of this facility. When I arrived in Mexico, the process was simple. I flew into Yuma and right outside the terminal I was greeted by a representative of CMN, she was driving a clean and brand new vehicle and spoke fluent Spanish and English. We started our journey to the hospital, it was easy to go through the border with their fast access pass they were able to obtain for their patients. Arriving at CMN I remember looking around the small quaint town and immediately fell in love with my surroundings. It was calm and peaceful area, the facility has a small outside patio for us as patients to visit during our stay with them. When I went upstairs, the wing I was staying in was dedicated to patients like me, we were secluded and it was wonderful. I had my own private suite, with my own TV, my own AC unit, and my own full bathroom. It was very quiet, very clean, and very comfortable to say the least. I was greeted by the CMN staff, everyone was very kind and compassionate towards me. All the staff spoke fluent English and Spanish. The staff communicated every treatment very thorough and answered any questions I had regarding the treatments, honestly anything in general. The first week was a little bumpy for me, I had a lot of doubts and my mind wasn’t in the right place. After all I have been fighting with a disease and an illness for so many years that I became bitter and felt like there was barely any hope to get better. On top of that, as we started the treatment I started having flair ups, migraines, throwing up, and just felt like crap overall. I knew that meant my body was responding to the treatment, so I was patient with myself. During that time the staff made me as comfortable as possible, they are with you 24 hours a day, everyday, we are never alone on our healing journey. Moving on to the second week, I started feeling better, I started getting more and more energy and was attending group therapy and individual therapy to help me mentally as well. This hospital focuses on mind, body, and soul and as we heal we must be able to heal all three aspects. The daily routine was wake up around 7am start treatment until around 8/9pm daily, no days off, which is great for us because that is why we are here - to heal! The meals are outstanding, they are made fresh daily and tailored to what you like and what you don’t like while encompassing healthy eating - I felt like I was at a 5-star resort the way they treated me and fed me. On my downtime, I would visit the community room. In this room they had a couch, art therapy, yoga, small exercise section, and a television. Some days I would paint, other days I would do yoga, and a few days I peddled on the bicycle. During the weekdays, I was visited by Dr Payan who is very compassionate, loving, and passionate about his patients. He would explain the next steps in the treatments, answer any questions I may have, explain lab work to me, and was willing to do any additional lab work necessary that I may wanted done to double check any doubts I did have. During the night and on weekends, I was visited by Dr Garcia. He was a sweetheart, just like Dr Payan, and was very knowledgeable, caring, and passionate about his patients as well. I am wholistic and a naturalist, while I was there they were very respectful of my practices. There was a time I woke up with a piercing migraine, I was crying, and in severe pain, immediately a nurse came into my room and asked me if I wanted pain killers. I explained I was wholistic but the pain was to severe so I agreed to the medicine but ask for a very small dosage, the nurse had no issues with this and administered it via IV. I went to this facility for neurological Lyme Disease, prior to going I tried so many different protocols, herbs, western medicine, etc. Lyme would go away at times, but always creep it’s way back into my life after a few weeks. I spent so much money chasing a cure, chasing hope, chasing wellness.... now looking back I wish I would have made the decision to go to CMN sooner. It’s been over a year, I have not had any flair ups, perhaps I am in remission perhaps I did exactly what I wanted... I rid myself of the dis-ease, finally healed, and rather than finding a cure I focused on eradicating the disease. I couldn’t have done this without the help from CMN Hospital, not only did every single treatment help, but their gentle and kind approach did wonders. While you are here, do you part in the process, drink the tea, take your supplements, take the LDN dosages, be open minded, accept help, realize we don’t know all, eat the healthy food, and let the treatments do what they were intended to do - heal us. I recommend anyone that is struggling with the decision to reach out to me via email, I’m here for those that need help deciding if this is right facility for you. My email is [email protected] reach out, I will always find time for you! It does not matter what disease we have, it all starts with our immune system and blood, and this is what they focus on while we are at CMN. While I was at CMN, other patients were there, but never more than 8 patients. I met an amazing women that was fighting cancer that was from the Netherlands, and two other women that were fighting cancer from the states. While I was there my staff included the cleaning crew: Raquel and Celia, my laundry crew: America and Rosa, my kitchen crew: Carmen, Elena, and Nadia, and the amazing nurse crew: Itzel, Karen, Marixa, Ishmel, Alma, Carlos, Erika, and Luis. I’ll leave this review with my favorite quote from the father of medicine, Hippocrates, “if someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.”

Previous Treatments Biological therapy
Diet Organic
Improvements Blood results
June 2020
Medical Condition Stage 4 Breast

Im in my last week of treatment at CMN. The staff has been amazing. I can tell that they truly care. The hospital is extremely clean. Alma took me on regular outings. They used every day that I was here (even weekends). No coronovirus patients are treated atthis hospital. The town is small and safe. I was on 4 reflux meds per day when I arrived, as well as tramadol arou the clock for pain. After 3 days I was able to stop reflux meds and stopped pain meds after a week. There was no pressure to stop any meds. Labs were checked regularly and any issues that came up were treated (I had a uti that was able to be treated before synptoms started.) Dr Payan is incredible and is not afraid to be asked why he does things the way he does. Hes very competant , encouraging, and has scientific reasons for his methods

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Diet Organic
Improvements Blood results
March 2020
Medical Condition Stage IV BC

Very poor upon arrival but made good progress within a couple weeks. Continued improvement upon return home with good overall improvement with the cancer.

Better overall care than I received in the US. Very competent and caring staff. Returned a year later for follow up bc of the impressive care I received. Highly recommend.

Arrived given 3 months to live from US doctors. Never lose hope. Dr. Payan and his team gave me new perspectives and their love and faith was transparent.

Previous Treatments None
Diet Low Sugar
Improvements General mood
January 2020
Jolanda T
Medical Condition Cervical cancer, stage 4

I’m from The Netherlands and I travelled alone.
They picked me up from the hotel in Yuma. Arriving at the hospital 26 August 2019, treatment started immediately, 28 days in a row.
Very friendly, compassionate and professional
If the treatment worked, time will tell. When I went there I had no cancer activity, still not.
If you want to read my full story you can find me on Facebook as Jolanda Trendafilosofa.

*Other improvements:
My tinnitus (ears) disappeared. I feel overall better. Not sensitive to vibrations and noises anymore. I did not always feel well when I was at the hospital, even when I got home it took me weeks but I do feel good now. I am very sensitive to treatments, even non toxic ones apparantly.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Improvements General mood
November 2019
Medical Condition Prostate Cancer

I was very pleased with the care that I received at cmn hospital the staff was wonderful and the food was outstanding. And I guess what stood out to me the most is not only my care it's the way that they treated my wife who is totally blind and was very scared about going Mexico. But after a few days she realized there's not a hospital in America that would have made her any more comfortable then she was there. And by the way she was impressed they would come in three times a day and clean our room and before anyone ever entered they would always touch her and let her know what they was doing. I cannot thank Dr. Payan and his team enough for the care me and my wife received

Previous Treatments Radiation
Diet Low Sugar
October 2019
Medical Condition Breast Cancer, Stage 4

All we can say is WOW.
You are most likely in our shoes .Wondering what is the right decision.This is it.
Here is our short story. My wife has a stage 4 breast cancer. Starting 9 years ago she has done all the surgeries, many rounds of chemo and radiation. Since august 2018 on two separate occasions she had radiation and 4 different chemo drugs were used. April 2019 her oncologist had her on immunotherapy drug - Keytruda.Nothing was helping. Its was getting worse. Since then until we went to CMN Hospital she was only walking with the use of a cane, lost over 20 pound and lost any appetite she had. More than 30 minutes up and she had to go back to bad.
Fast forward 08/22/2019 on our way to Mexico, CMN Hospital. We talk to Dr.Payan over Skype few days before and decided that this is it. This is a Hospital, not a clinic like some other places (we have researched for months). The first impression is how clean this place is. How friendly everyone is. We got picked up together with another family from Yuma Airport in Arizona. Treatments starts right after you arrive. They are intense. From 7am till 6pm or later sometimes. Many different types. But let me tell you we arrived Thursday and two days later on Saturday she got up and walked all day without her cane. You may think its just a coincidence, well its passed 30 days and she is still without her cane. Appetite is back. She eats well. Speaking of which food there is great. Fresh ,tasty and well prepared.
You will be in separate private quarters.
Your room is cleaned twice a day. The whole place shines. People don't stop cleaning there. Laundry is done anytime you ask. Its full service. You got nothing to think about, but to get well.
We made lots of new friends. They all care for you. For you to get well.
We will continue the the program at home. Its a long road ahead ,but honestly we couldn't believe what was done in a short period here, that our highly paid oncologist couldn't do for years.
Believe it will happen.

Previous Treatments Chemotherapy
Diet Organic
Improvements General mood

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